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Hey Y'all!

My name is Tara and I created this blog as a way for me to have some sort of outlet for all of the things I have going on in my head - there's a lot! I plan on writing about a lot of things going on in my life (random thoughts/rants I need to get out into the world, family, friends, etc.). I also plan on sharing a lot of recipes because I LOVE to cook and bake! I have also recently started reading a ton of books now that I have more time on my hands (more about this later!), so I want to share my thoughts on various books that I finish reading - a mini book club if you will! This will be a kind of hodgepodge of things happening on my blog, but it's just a sneak peek into my brain and what goes on in it. My goal is to write a new post every Thursday, but I may post more often if I have a lot on my mind or less if I have a busy week. 

Here's a little bit about me:

I currently live in Chicago, IL where I am a graduate assistant athletic trainer. I am currently working towards getting my Master of Arts in Education and I will be graduating in December! I am originally from Dearborn Heights, MI which means I am a HUGE fan of Detroit sports teams - especially the Red Wings and Tigers! I am an alumna of Michigan State University where I graduated in 2017 with my B.S. in Athletic Training - GO GREEN!
When I am not working as an athletic trainer or sitting in class, I enjoy working out, cooking/baking, eating, reading, watching TV/movies, snuggling with my kitty, and chatting with my family and friends. 

I hope you enjoy getting to know me and getting a little insight on what the heck goes on inside this head of mine!

~ Tara💜


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